Learn Dutch with Lianne

Listening to my podcasts will help expose you to the Dutch language, which will gradually help you improve your Dutch, all while learning more about interesting and current topics related to the Netherlands.

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Recent Episodes

Afl. 53 - JE versus JIJ
In this episode, I explain the difference between emphatic and non-emphatic pronouns in Dutch, like 'je/jij', 'ze/zij' and 'we/wij'. I’ll show you when to use each form and how emphasis changes the meaning. Plus, I’ve got a practice exercise to help you master it!
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Afl. 52 - DE of HET?
In this episode, I explain when to use the Dutch articles DE and HET, which can be tricky. I share some helpful tips to make mastering these articles easier. For example, did you know there's an app that lets you check if a word is DE or HET?
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Afl. 51 - Naar de kapper in Nederland
In this episode, I teach you the essential phrases and vocabulary for a visit to the hairdresser in the Netherlands. I’ll guide you on how to make an appointment, describe your haircut, and have a casual chat with your stylist. This episode will help you feel more confident at the salon, whether you’re getting a new look or practicing your Dutch!
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Afl. 50 - Goede voornemens: Haalbare taaldoelen voor 2025
In this episode, I’ll share how to set realistic and motivating language learning goals for your New Year’s resolutions! I’ll explain why breaking big goals into smaller steps is key to staying on track and making real progress. Whether you want to improve your speaking, vocabulary, grammar, or listening skills, you’ll learn how to create a fun and achievable plan to keep you motivated all year long. Let's make 2025 your best year for learning Dutch!
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Afl. 49 - ✨WINACTIE✨ Leesboekje: Hanna's verjaardag (A1/A2)
In this episode, I’m wrapping up the year with something special – a giveaway! I will talk about the easy-to-read book Hanna’s Verjaardag (Hanna’s Birthday), which is at an A1/A2 level, and you can win a copy! I will also read a short part of the book so you can see if you like the story. It’s about loneliness, friendship, and unexpected changes. Don’t miss out – the deadline to enter is January 5, 2025!
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Afl. 48 - Een zorgverzekering kiezen in Nederland
In this episode, I explain how to choose the right health insurance in the Netherlands. I cover important things like the basic and extra insurance, deductibles, and how to compare different plans. You'll also learn about 'zorgtoeslag' and where to get help if you need it. Listen for tips to help you make the best choice!
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Afl. 47 - Sinterklaas vroeger en nu
In this episode, I will tell you more about the history of Sinterklaas, from its origins in Turkey to how the celebration evolved in the Netherlands. I will talk about why Sinterklaas is said to come from Spain and how the tradition of Piet has changed over time. Learn how Sinterklaas is celebrated today with gifts, poems, songs, and treats like pepernoten
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Afl. 46 - Winkelen in Nederland
In this episode, I will tell you more about shopping in the Netherlands, from popular stores like Albert Heijn and HEMA to useful shopping phrases and common habits. Get ready for practical tips to help you shop confidently in Dutch stores!
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Afl. 45 - Nederlandse spreekwoorden
In this episode, I tell you more about five popular and funny Dutch proverbs, explaining their meanings and how to use them in everyday conversations. Learn how these sayings can help you sound more natural in Dutch and give you a glimpse into the Dutch culture!
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Afl. 44 - Praktische tips om dagelijks Nederlands te spreken
In this episode, I share 10 practical tips to help you speak Dutch daily. From learning key vocabulary and describing words you don't know, to setting small goals and practising common phrases, these tips will help you gain confidence and improve your Dutch in everyday situations.
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Afl. 43 - Halloween en Sint-Maarten in Nederland
In this episode, I talk about Halloween and Sint-Maarten. Halloween is on October 31st, when kids dress up and ask for candy. Sint-Maarten is on November 11th, and children walk with lanterns, singing for treats. We’ll look at the main differences and what makes each celebration special!
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Afl. 42 - Vrijwilligerswerk in Nederland
In this episode, I tell you more about volunteer work in the Netherlands. I discuss what it means to be a volunteer, why it's important for the community, and the benefits for both volunteers and those they help. I also share tips on how to find volunteer opportunities and encourage you to get involved in your local community.
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Afl. 41 - De wintertijd in Nederland
In this episode, I talk about the switch to wintertime, when we turn the clock back one hour. I explain why wintertime is easier for our bodies than summertime and how shorter days can affect our mood. I also give simple tips to feel better during the winter.
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Afl. 40 - Nederlands lezen: Kinderboeken, leesboekjes op niveau en tweetalige boekjes
In this episode, I discuss some well-known Dutch children's books, and I give you tips for books you can read to improve your Dutch. I explain why children's books are a lot of fun, but they may not always be the best choice for improving your reading skills.
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Afl. 39 - Koffiecultuur in Nederland
In this episode, I will share important information you need to know during pregnancy. You will learn about prenatal check-ups, especially the 20-week ultrasound, and the choices you have for giving birth, like home births and hospital births. I also discuss kraamzorg, which is the help you get at home after your baby is born.
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Afl. 38 - Zwanger in Nederland: wat moet je weten?
In this episode, I will share important information you need to know during pregnancy. You will learn about prenatal check-ups, especially the 20-week ultrasound, and the choices you have for giving birth, like home births and hospital births. I also discuss kraamzorg, which is the help you get at home after your baby is born.
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Afl. 37 - Het openbaar vervoer in Nederland
In this episode, I will tell you more about the public transportation in the Netherlands, known as OV. You'll learn how to use trains, buses, trams, and the metro effectively. I share some tips and discuss important words, such as "overstappen" and "reizen in de spits", along with what to do if you forget to check out.
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Afl. 36 - Herfst in Nederland
In this episode, I talk about autumn in the Netherlands. You'll hear about the cooler weather, colorful leaves, and fun activities like forest walks. I also share tips to stay warm and introduce Dutch autumn foods.
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Afl. 35 - Prinsjesdag
In this episode, I explore Prinsjesdag, where the king presents the government’s plans for the year. I discuss the king’s role, and why this day is important in the Netherlands.
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Afl. 34 - De Nederlandse snackcultuur
In this episode, I tell you more about the Dutch snack culture, discussing popular treats like kroketten, bitterballen, and stroopwafels, including tips on how to enjoy them. This episode offers a tasty look at some of the most popular snacks in the Netherlands.
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Afl. 33 - Short story: Javier gaat naar het taalcafé
In this episode, I tell a short story about Javier, who discovers a language café in the Netherlands. There, he meets Anne, who helps him with Dutch while he helps her with Spanish. Javier enjoys the experience and keeps coming back to improve his Dutch and make new friends.
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Afl. 32 - Het Nederlandse onderwijssysteem
In this episode, I will tell you more about sustainability in the Netherlands. I explain what the country is doing to create a greener future and the role of young activists in climate protests. I also discuss new sustainable innovations and how daily life in the Netherlands is becoming more eco-friendly.
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Afl. 31 - Duurzaamheid in Nederland
In this episode, I will tell you more about sustainability in the Netherlands. I explain what the country is doing to create a greener future and the role of young activists in climate protests. I also discuss new sustainable innovations and how daily life in the Netherlands is becoming more eco-friendly.
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Afl. 30 - De Olympische Spelen 2024
In this episode I will tell you more about the Olympics in Paris. I talk about the history, the preparations, what to expect from this great sports competition and the role of the Netherlands.
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Afl. 29 - De Friese taal en fierljeppen
In this episode, I will talk about the Frisian language and a sport practised in Friesland: fierljeppen. You will hear local people speak their own dialect. Are you visiting Friesland soon? Listen to this episode and learn some useful phrases!
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Afl. 28 - Pride in Amsterdam
In this episode, I will talk about the colorful world of Amsterdam Gaypride. I will tell you about the history of the event, the spectacular Canal Parade, and the many activities that take place during the nine days of Pride Amsterdam.
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Afl. 27 - Nederlandse kunst
In this episode, we dive into the vibrant world of Dutch art. Discover the renowned artists of the Golden Age and explore the dynamic realm of modern art in the Netherlands. By the end of this episode, you'll have your must-visit list of museums ready to go.
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Afl. 25 - Dialecten #4 Drenths en Twents
In this episode, I will tell you more about the vernacular (het Nedersaksisch) and two dialects derived from het Nedersaksisch (het Drents and het Twents). You will hear local people speak their own dialect. Are you visiting Drenthe or Twente (Overijssel) soon? Then listen to this episode and learn what you can say.
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Afl. 24 - De Europese verkiezingen
In this episode, I will tell you more about the elections of the European Parliament. I discuss some of the topics that are regulated in the European Parliament.
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Afl. 23 - Lente in Nederland
In this episode, I will tell you more about spring in the Netherlands. Learn more about winter and summer time, bank holidays, the 'Dutch' tulips and expressions you can use to talk about the weather.
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Afl. 22 - Dialecten #3 Brabants en Limburgs
In this episode, I will tell you more about some of the dialects spoken in Brabant and Limburg and you can hear local people speak their own dialect. Are you visiting Brabant or Limburg soon? Then listen to this episode and learn what you can say.
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Afl. 21 - Een huis kopen of huren in Nederland
In this episode, I will tell you more about how to buy or rent a house in the Netherlands. Includes interesting topics such as mortgages, social housing, the free sector and more.
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Afl. 20 - Dialecten #2 Amsterdams, Rotterdams, Utrechts
In this episode, I will tell you more about the Amsterdams, Rotterdams and Utrechts dialect and you can hear local people speak their own dialect. Are you visiting Amsterdam, Rotterdam or Utrecht soon? Then listen to this episode and learn what you can say.
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Afl. 19 - Carnaval in Nederland
In this episode, I will tell you more about Carnaval in the Netherlands. Discover where you can celebrate carnaval and what people in the Netherlands usually do during this fun period.
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Afl. 18 - Dialecten #1 Gronings, Zeeuws, Vlaams
In this episode, I will tell you more about the Gronings, Zeeuws and Flemish dialect and you can hear local people speak their own dialect. Are you visiting Groningen, Zeeland or Belgium soon? Then listen to this episode and learn what you can say.
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Afl. 17 - Dierendag in Nederlands
In this episode, I will tell you more about Animal Day in the Netherlands. You will discover that there are more pets than people living in the Netherlands that we love animals very very much!
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Afl. 16 - Modale partikels
In this episode, I will tell you more about the Dutch modal particles.: MAAR, EVEN, MISSCHIEN, GEWOON, NOU and TOCH. There is no clear translation for these little words but they are often used in sentences to describe a certain attitude or feeling.
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Afl. 15 - De huisarts in Nederland
In this episode I'm going to talk about the general practitioner in the Netherlands. Can you choose your own GP? How do you make an appointment with the GP? And what do you need to do in case of an emergency? I will tell you all about it!
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Afl. 14 - Vakantieplekken in Nederland
In this episode, I will tell you more about some nice holiday spots in the Netherlands and what you can do in these places. If you want to hear how I use 'er' of place, then this is the episode you should listen to!
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Afl. 13 - De Nederlandse fietscultuur
In this episode, I will tell you more about the Dutch biking culture. You will find out more about different types of bikes, where you can find the world's biggest bicycle parking, and I will explain some important traffic rules for when you want to cycle yourself in the Netherlands.
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Afl. 12 - 10 Grappige Nederlandse gewoontes
In this episode, I will tell you more about some funny Dutch habits. Some of our traditions you might already know or have experienced them yourselves, but we have so many, that I am sure you are going to discover more. If you like to practise constructions with 'om te', then this is the episode you should listen to.
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Afl. 11 - De gemeenteraadsverkiezingen
In this episode, I will tell you all about the municipal elections in the Netherlands. I will explain to you what we are voting for and how you too can vote.
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Afl. 10 - De Nederlandse keuken
In this episode, I will tell you about some Dutch customs when it comes to food. I also discuss some dishes that are typically Dutch.
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Afl. 09 - De feestdagen in Nederland
In this episode, I will talk about Christmas and New Years Eve. I will tell you how Christmas is celebrated in the Netherlands and what you can expect with New Years Eve from the crazy Dutch!
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Afl. 08 - Sinterklaas in Nederland
In this episode, I will talk about Sinterklaas in the Netherlands. Sinterklaas is an important celebration in the Netherlands from mid-November until 5 December. It is mainly a celebration for children but adults also celebrate Sinterklaas.
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Afl. 07 - 5 Tips voor get leren van een nieuwe taal
In this episode, I will discuss different ways in which you can learn a new language. I will share my personal experiences and give you tips on what you can do to learn a new language effectively!
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Afl. 06 - De voordelen van een nieuwe taal leren
In this episode I will talk about the advantages of learning a new language. Did you for example know that learning a new language diminishes the chances of getting Alzheimer? In many ways, it's very useful to be able to speak two or more languages.
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Afl. 05 - De geschiedenis van Nederland
In this episode I will talk about the Dutch history. Topics that will be discussed are the Middle Ages, Eighty Years' War, Golden Age and the Second World War.
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Afl. 04 - Het Europees Kampionschap voetbal
In this episode I will talk about the UEFA European Football Championship. The Netherlands has a rich history in football. And as you can see from the streets covered in orange, we love our football. And it also brings people together!
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Afl. 03 - Koningsdag, Nationale dodenherdenking en Bevrijdingsdag
In this episode I will talk about King's Day, the Remembrance of the Dead and Liberation Day. I will tell you what, how and where we normally celebrate on King's Day.
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Afl. 02 - Geboortes en verjaardagen
In this episode I will talk about the typical Dutch birth(day). You will discover that Dutch people have some typical traditions that are not that well-known in other countries. Maybe you already experienced a few of them. If not, no worries! Because after listening to this podcast you will be well prepared to join a nice Dutch birthday party!
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Afl. 01 - Hoe overleef je het Nederlandse weer?
In this episode I will talk about the Dutch weather. You will discover that we have many different words to describe many different types of weather. I will give you some tips on how to survive the Dutch weather and what best to do when you suddenly get caught up in the rain.
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